Thursday, January 31, 2013

Simple "Non-Petroleum Jelly"

You are about to see what I mean by the "simple" things in life.

 I'm not sure what to officially call this recipe because "Vaseline" is just a brand name of  "petroleum jelly". This is neither Vaseline nor petroleum so I like to call it "Non-Petroleum Jelly".... Genius, right?!

Okay, you better go get your pen and paper, just in case you can't remember this all.

Here goes:

Put about 1/2 cup of organic olive oil in a small pot
Add about a teaspoon of beeswax

Warm on low until beeswax is melted. Pour into a small glass jar. (A baby food jar works well)

Let it cool and there you have it...Healthy non petroleum jelly!

*Note -If you'd like it to be more solid add more beeswax. If you want it to be more oily add more olive oil.

Did you catch all of that? I know, I know. It's really tricky but don't worry you'll figure it out eventually!

Seriously, you cannot mess this up. It's perfectly simple and you can use it for everything. I put it on myself, my kids and my animals as a moisturizer.  Also, to all you new moms out there, don't forget the sometimes necessary rectal thermometer. This non-petroleum jelly could really come in handy since I'm sure you don't want to be putting anything related to gasoline into know. I'm much happier to use this more natural product.

Moving on....

Go ahead and give this a try and let me know what you think. Also if you figure out an exact measurement of how you like it best, please do share!

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