Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Easy Crockpot Yogurt Recipe

I was going to write this post yesterday but it ended up turning into a raw milk post. So.....

Here's how I make my yogurt. It really makes a lot of yogurt for less than half the price of store bought and it's twice as healthy! Plus... it's ridiculously easy!!

You will need:

-A crock pot

-1/2 Gallon of milk (Raw or pasteurized)

-1/2-1 cup of some plain, store bought, organic, pro biotic yogurt. (or if you have a friend that makes yogurt ask them for a 1/2 cup to get you started)

*note- you only need the store bought "starter" the first time you make it. After that just keep a scoop from your previous batch aside for next time!

The method:

-Put the milk in your crock and turn it on low for 2 hours.

-After 2 hours unplug the crock pot for another 2 hours.

-After that, add in your yogurt starter and replace the lid (keeping the crock unplugged). wrap a bath towel around the crock pot and let it sit for 8-9 hours.

-Open the lid and be amazed that your milk just turned into yogurt!!

I only have a picture of ours nearly gone...

If you want really thick yogurt-strain off the whey by pouring it through a cheesecloth. (Use your whey in place of water next time you bake bread!)

 If you want really thick Greek yogurt then let it strain for a few hours until all the whey has dripped from it.

Finish the yogurt with your favorite toppings and enjoy!!

I love mine with honey and granola, or any fresh fruit that I have. I also love it mixed with a dollop of my favorite homemade jam. The possibilities are endless!

My kids' favorite way to eat it is blended with a half of a banana....But they only like it If I hang a piece of banana on the side of the glass...Go figure!

Now go ahead, get out your crock pot and fill 'er up with some milk. You know you want to have fresh yogurt for breakfast tomorrow!!


  1. Ever since I started making my own yogurt at the beginning of January, my family loves it. I have bought some yogurt at the store recently and it sat in my fridge for a awhile and my daughter had a bite of it and threw the rest away and said yuck, I like yours better!

    1. I love when my kids get picky about "store bought" food. That's how they are with bread now!
