Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Road Less Traveled...To the Raw Milk Farm!

(The funny thing is this started out as a crock pot yogurt post. It evolved to a milk post. Yogurt recipe coming soon)

One of the skills you just have to have as a homesteader is to be able to make your own dairy products out of milk. If you're really lucky, like I am you will be able to make things out of local raw milk. (This is where the post veered off the yogurt topic..just sayin')

I'm so fortunate to be in a state where raw milk is legal and in a community where it's easy to find. For cheap! I read so many other blogs that have talked about raw milk and all of the troubles they go through to find or to be able to "purchase" it. I've met some women online that travel 2 to 3 hours a week and pay $10 or $12 for a gallon!  It really made me think about how I buy my milk. Again, I say I'm fortunate.. Just to make some of you extremely jealous, I'll tell you my milk acquiring story!

The farm that I buy from is about 8 minutes away. It's the most beautiful drive in the world and I always find myself especially aware and filled with gratitude while I travel the back roads to get there.

Let me take you there with me for a minute:

 I start by passing through my little small town and crossing onto a winding back road. This road takes me through a vineyard...a beautiful vineyard that hosts beautiful concerts every Saturday night all summer long. A vineyard that has rows of grapes that seem never ending with the backdrop  of  rolling hills and far off tree lines. After the vineyard, I make a left. This road takes me directly along a beautiful stream that reminds me of all of the times I would go fishing there with my dad as a little girl. On a warm day with the windows down, you can hear the sound of the water babbling along as you drive by. After coming to a stop at the end of that road I make a right and proceed to pass nothing but farms and distant trees. This is the part I especially love in fall before they harvest the corn from the fields. It's just wide open pastures and crops that no matter what the weather may be it always make the sky seem to burst with colors. After a sharp wind in the road I turn into the farm and park by a humble little yellow shed with an open sign on the door and an "honor box" and notepad inside. The system is..You drop of your empty gallon jars and pick up your filled ones. Then you put your money in the box, writing what you've purchased so the farmer can keep track of the sales. If you don't have the exact change? Well that's okay just pay next time! This is a Farmer that still trusts his patrons. AMAZING! This is truly the way I want to do my business. This is who I want to give my money to!! I love everything about this dairy farm and I love the 8 minute drive there to reflect on the beautiful simplicities of nature that are abundant all around me. And most of all.....I love the milk!

I wish I had pictures of this beautiful path less traveled to share with you. Unfortunately it's dark outside as I type this or I would be taking that spirit lifting drive right now, camera in hand.

I will add some photos to this post the next time I fill my jars, in the meantime here is a photo of my  milk jar....which in my opinion is pretty all by itself!

And the real kicker is it's only $2.50 a gallon!!
Where do you all get your raw milk? How much do you pay?
(If you say from your own cow then I will be the jealous one!)


  1. I go to a local Amish farm for my milk. Although I don't have all the winding backroads, it still is a nice country ride, and its only about 4 miles from my house. I, like you, take my empty glass jars and pick up the filled ones. I pay $4.50 a gallon for jersey milk. It has about 3-4"of cream. I alway make butter with this. I've never used the crock pot for yogurt. Hubby and I use a cooler. I'll be watching for your way. I always am up to try an easier way! Have a good day!

    1. How do you use a cooler to make it? I'd love to know:)

  2. I love this post - it gave me goose bumps. I felt like I was in the car with you...

    I can't wait to start getting my raw milk and making healthy things for my family.

    1. Thank you Sherry! I'm excited for you to get some milk too!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so so much! That is VERY encouraging to hear. This is so new to me and something I never thought that I would be doing. Hearing that people like it is really helping me want to post more and more. You have been a great inpsiration to me over the past year as well! I'm happy that our lives have crossed paths:)
