Friday, February 15, 2013

How to make Bath Salts

Soak your stress away with this easy to make Salt Soak.
Simply put your favorite essential oil with some sea salt and wam-bam....You're done!!
Sea Salt is very very affordable, It's usually priced somewhere around a dollar. You could also do it with Epsom salt.
I chose to make Lavender-Almond and Citrus-Almond this time. In case you can't tell-I pretty much think almond goes with everything!  It's working for me though because everything I make smells wonderful!!
To mix the essential oil and/or optional food coloring (a natural or organic dye is preferred) Just cut a piece of a paper towel and drop your oil and coloring on it. I used 2 separate paper towel pieces. Don't make them crazy wet or they will dissolve the salt. And mix it up with a butter knife. I also put the lid on and shook it a little.

Next, Put it in a pretty jar and you are done!!


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