Thursday, February 21, 2013

Backyard Casserole

 I love cooking with the things that we have produced ourselves over the past year. I made this casserole all with food from my back yard, exciting right? I just pulled some garden stuff out of the the freezer and got some eggs out of the coop to make this. You could do this with anything really. It's hardly worth blogging a "recipe" but just in case you need an easy idea- here's what I did:
I chose to use sausage, spinach, onions, bacon, green peppers and garlic.
I also put a little cayenne, salt and pepper into the whisked eggs with some milk.
Here's the method:
-Pre-cook whatever meat you're using and put it in your baking pan.
-Then layer whatever veggies you like, one at a time.
-Next, whisk 10 eggs and 2 cups of milk in a large bowl. Add whatever spices you like and some salt and pepper.

-Pour egg mixture over meat and veggies and sprinkle with any cheese.
-Bake at 350 for about 35 minutes or until eggs look puffy and cooked.
I made this as a supper but then ate the leftovers for breakfast. It was just as good the next day.
Here is a picture of it cut. I'm a little addicted to kimchi right now so that's what I ate it with for breakfast when I took this picture. I also melted a little extra cheese over the top..mmm!
Next time you don't know what to make (for breakfast, lunch OR supper) give this casserole a try and tell me what ingredients you used.

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