Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gas stations, Pregnancy Tests and Bathing Suits!

You know that feeling? The one where you plan your day to go one way and it goes in a whole other direction??

Well that was my day yesterday.

It started out just like any other day....thinking about all the papers I had to fill out to get the house finalized, hoping to pressure can some chicken, mommy-ing 3 little girls, knowing that I had to clean out the fridge, and wanting to start some seeds.

And I went to bed feeling.....kind of....well.......pregnant!

WHAT?! how did that happen? We weren't even PLANNING  a baby! We always plan our babies!

Actually for the first time in my adult life...I didn't even want to be pregnant right now-seeing that our 1 year old toddler is a crazy mess most days!

I was just going about my evening, when- BOOM! It dawns on me at around 9pm  that my "friend" hadn't been around for almost 40 days!!

After a call to my sister and a confirmation that it had been waaaay too long since I had my....you know what... We headed up the road. To a gas station. To buy a pregnancy test.

You guessed it! It was positive. and now I get to be pregnant again!

 We are shocked and excited! It didn't all sink in yet but how could I not be happy that I'm going to be able to hold a precious little baby that my husband and I created with love...

 Anndddd......that It's totally cool for me to look fat in a bathing suit this year....Sweet!


  1. congrats! So excited for you guys!

  2. We had two of those...how did that happen?...moments. They are now 12 and 13! Be blessed and may the Lord give you an easy pregnancy, smooth labor, and healthy baby!

  3. Thank you! All three of my babies wee very easy pregnancies and like 45 minute labors so I hope this one follows the same pattern, lol!
