Saturday, February 9, 2013

Spiced Apple Pear Butter- Crock Pot Recipe

There seems to be a common sentence at the beginning of all of my post. So here goes, You will not believe how easy this is to make! It is literally done in just a few steps and makes the house smell wonderful while it's cooking. This is a great recipe to make in the fall when pears and apples are in season. Since I'm trying to fill you in on everything I've learned over the past year I'm posting this a bit out of season but don't worry,it tastes good anytime of year!
Here is a picture of my finished product....
And here is what happened a split second after I snapped that close up.....

She's never far away from the camera!
Back to the apple pear butter recipe.
Here's what you need:
Apples and Pears
spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves
a pinch of salt
and sweetener of your choice (I use brown sugar)
Here's what you have to do:
1- Peel and dice fruit into large chunks, discarding the cores.
2-Put them in your crock pot and sprinkle in your chosen spices, salt and sweetener of choice. (the amount of sugar will vary depending on how sweet your apples are to start with.
3-Put lid on and cook on high for about an hour
4- Reduce heat to low and cook for 9-12 hours, stirring occasionally  (I smash it with a hand held potato masher) And cook it until  it reaches a desired consistency.
5- Can it or freeze it in bags until ready to eat.
To can it - fill hot canning jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. Process in a water bath for 10 minutes.
See I told you it was simple!!